Return atform != "darwin" ? !1 : K.getOSNotificationsEnabled() If (atform = "darwin") return K.setMenuShortcuts(t) Return K.GetCorrectionsForMisspelling(t, e) Return t.map(r => K.IgnoreWord(r, e)).every(r => r) If (atform = "darwin") return K.destroyPanel() Return atform != "darwin" ? !1 : K.getPanelVisibility() If (atform = "darwin") return K.hidePanel() If (atform = "darwin") return K.showPanel() If (atform = "darwin") return K.positionPanel(t, e) If (atform = "darwin") return K.makePanel(t.getNativeWindowHandle()) Return K.getWindowScreenshot(t.getNativeWindowHandle()) Return atform != "win32" ? !1 : K.isSystemDarkMode()

If (atform = "win32") return K.removeAgentRegistryLoginItem() atform = "win32" ? K.forceFocusWindow(t.getNativeWindowHandle()) : t.focus() Return atform != "darwin" ? null : JSON.parse(K.getActiveNSScreens(t.getNativeWindowHandle())) Return atform != "darwin" ? !1 : K.isP3ColorSpaceCapable() If (atform = "win32") return K.getExecutableVersion(t) If (atform = "darwin") return K.getBundleVersion(t) Return atform != "darwin" ? null : K.getAppPathForProtocol(t) || null If (atform = "darwin") return K.launchApp(t, e.foreground) atform = "darwin" & K.customizeWindowButtons(t) Return Ei().getFontPreview(t, e, r, i, n) Shell session $ js-beautify main.js | grep -E '(K|Ei)' | pbcopyĮi = kt(() => hl.app.isPackaged ? require("./desktop_rust.node") : require("./build/Release/desktop_rust.node")),
Of course! Looks like it's using NSIS, the Nullsoft Scriptable Install LegalCopyright: Copyright 2017-2019 draw.io Path = draw.io-21.4.0-windows-installer.exeĬharacteristics = Executable 32-bit NoRelocs NoLineNums NoLocalSymsĭLL Characteristics = Relocated NX-Compatible NoSEH TerminalServerAware Listing archive: draw.io-21.4.0-windows-installer.exe Shell session $ 7z l draw.io-21.4.0-windows-installer.exeħ-Zip 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov :